Why Do I Have Spiders In My Home?

It doesn’t happen all the time, but when I get a callback for spiders I will concentrate on where a customer has noticed issues. Sometimes where they are isn’t where they are coming from.

Usually, I find using good preventative measures on the outside of a home are going to work best when it comes to taking care of these types of pests, but there are times where a spider or two has made their way inside the home, and now the spiders have laid eggs somewhere then there is a much bigger problem. Spiders will produce in one egg sack 150-200 spiderlings that will hatch, and if the hatch happens to be inside your home the spiderlings will never make their way outside, they will spread around the home.

So, why do I have spiders in my home? The answer is spiders need a specific climate that is conducive to their comfort not to dry, too wet, too hot or too cold. They usually make their way inside your home when it isn’t sealed properly or because you have other pests that spiders like to eat. Spiders have an enate sense of survival. 

  • Climate
  • Improper sealing
  • Other pests

How Can I Prevent Spiders From Getting In My Home?

Keeping a tidy house – 

is a great way to ensure a pest-free home. 

Many times I will enter a home, apply pest control and advise a good cleaning and can be called back for another treatment, this is usually because cleaning has not been performed and the bugs that have nested within the home are still around. 

It is important to have a clean home to clear the way for the treatment to have a place to adhere to and keep bugs away for a few months at a time. 

Apply preventative pest control – 

If you can make sure to apply pest control on a regular basis it will provide your home with a barrier that will help pests stay away.

 Being proactive in your pest control needs is probably the best thing you can do for yourself if anything your home will be properly maintained.

Proper Sealing

You may have a few cracks or holes in your home without proper sealing. 

You may find that your rubber around your door or your windows have gaps, you could caulk if you cannot afford to replace the lining at this time but do make sure that the holes are filled in to prevent an easy access point. 

If you have foundation issues, the cracks leave entry points into the home, these will need to be properly closed off as well. 

You can use a wall putty and paint to do some low key home hacks to do a better job, but I recommend getting them closed off as soon as possible. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Existing Spiders In My Home?

Clean up your basement, floorboards, ceiling (corners) lower kitchen cupboards. If you are having issues be sure that you have located each nook and cranny that there could be a web and get rid of it.

 I know that spiders can help you get rid of other bugs in your home, but so does pest control so I choose the latter and I would prefer not to allow a house guest that could bite me as I sleep. 

If you have been noticing spiders in your home you may have to do some investigating to find the source(s). Once you found the spider webs and gathering(s) you can go ahead and treat your home with your pest control of choice. 

There are a lot of choices as far as pest control goes, you could go for a store-bought chemical or you can buy one from my recommended pages. If you use concentrate you will have more that will last and you can apply as often as you like rather than a few semi-decent sprays and still have issues. 

What Areas Of My Home Will Spiders Hide?

Spiders are pretty obvious in their hiding spots, you can normally see their webs. 

The places that you will find them would be corners, under furniture, cool dark areas like a basement or crawl space. You know, the places where you think you’d find a spider and you don’t really want to go. 

There are 2 major mating seasons for a spider the spring and fall.

You will see that there are a lot of big spiders roaming around in Autumn, these are probably the little spiders that were born in the Spring and have fully grown into their scary large exoskeleton just in time for Halloween! Then they are out looking around for a mate, so you will see them everywhere. 

Freaky fact: If you see a dead spider in a web, it’s because the male usually shrivels and dies after mating depending on species.

So, you’ll need to find the nest, eggs, and webs and wipe them out to prevent a full-on invasion for the next round. Good thing we already went over this above.  

After you have removed the webbing it creates a clean slate where spiders can’t hide away from the chemical you put down.


There are many commercial chemicals on the market that work well for spiders, I want to go over the benefits of using the one I recommend for spiders inside your home:

The chemical I recommend for inside your home is Demand CS (click to see it on my recommended products page for more details). It is the BEST for indoor use! This chemical lasts a very long time after it is sprayed which makes it a leader in the pest industry. The technology used in Demand CS is called microencapsulation. Microencapsulation means that the chemical whether it is wet or dry will turn into millions of microcapsules that store the pesticide inside of it. When a pest walks over your barrier it will break the capsule and attack the pest’s nervous system leading it to extinction.

Another thing I will say for Demand CS is that it is great for use outside of your home as well.

What Should I Look For In A Chemical That Treats The Inside Of My Home?

  1. Pick one that won’t leave a film or milky residue
  2. Choose a pesticide that is safe for children and pets
  3. Something that will last a long time so that you aren’t having to spray inside every month

If you have birds or fish make sure that they are out of your home for 24 hours after you have sprayed a pesticide in your home.

*Make sure that you read a pest label in its entirety before you use the contents of it.

*WARNING* It is unlawful to use a pesticide in any manner that is inconsistent with its labeling.


We used to live in an apartment that had a pest issue coming from our neighbor, this one unit affected 3 others surrounding and thankfully I had the knowledge and everything I needed to eradicate the issue. 

I remember thinking about how just one small issue that came from one part of the area infiltrated a whole section of apartments and if this tenant would have done something or let the complex know about this, they could have avoided all of the problems that everyone else had because of them.

 Because I was proactive and prevented pests on my own I was not as affected like everyone else,  I could keep up with the problem in my space and I felt good knowing that I was in control of my home, not waiting for the apartment to finally do something about it. (they never  had regular pest control) 

With DIY pest control with an industry used product, you have the ability to take control of your space with quality pest control products that will last a very long time.


Whatever pesticide you use to keep spiders out of your home, be sure that you do use one so that you don’t wind up with a large infestation that becomes unmanageable. Like I mentioned above If I hadn’t been treating our apartment we would have been overrun with bugs.

Once you get Demand, don’t be lazy about your treatments you will want to do it on a regular schedule so that you avoid seeing issues within your home.

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