Does Cold Weather Kill Bed Bugs?

Having done several treatments for bed bugs in all the seasons. I have been asked by neighbors if bed bugs will freeze in the winter time.

 Winter weather will slow the metabolic state of many bug species including bed bugs. 

But lets answer your question:

Does cold weather kill bed bugs? Yes, given several days (3-5) in a prolonged state of below freezing weather bed bugs will perish.

Here is the problem though:

  • The freezing cold must last longer than 3 days.
  • Bed bugs do not generally stray from a host (so they stay inside usually)
  • Freezing cold temperatures are uncommon for a normal household even in extreme conditions, most homes have great “R” value which keeps them well insulated.

Keep reading to learn how bed bugs behave in the winter and how you can eliminate them yourself.

“You can also get my free download pdf for bed bug pre- treatment no gimmick, just a helpful guide to follow before you treat your home!”  

Look out below for the download!

At What Temperature Does A Bed Bug Die?

  • Cold Treatment – So for cold treatment 0 degrees F or (-15 degree C) for 3-5 days at a constant is what it takes to eliminate a bed bug.
  • Heat Treatment – For heat treatments it is 113 degrees F or (45 degrees C)  for 90 minutes will eliminate a bed bug.  

Can Bed Bugs Survive Outside?

Yes, bed bugs can survive outside for a short period of time. Bed bugs can survive a mere 10 days without a meal. It is within that time frame in non harsh living conditions that a bed bug can live outdoors. 

 Most bed bugs don’t come from outside though, they are a traveling bug that can be transferred from host to host which are people that visit your home or you visited somewhere publicly and got them.

If a bed bug is outside it will try to devise a way into where they have a blood meal.

Most bed bugs don’t end up outside because they are reproduced in the comfort of a person’s bed or furniture.

Do Bed Bugs Go Away In The Winter?

Although most biting or stinging pests go away in the winter bed bugs do not. 

Bed bugs, though cold-blooded won’t produce as much in the winter because their metabolic state is slowed just like most bugs in the winter time. 

Bed bugs will still produce all year long. 

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

Individually bed bugs live about a year in warm weather conditions, regular feeding intervals, and a male to mate with. In conditions where the female bed bug can not feed on a host they may last a mere 5 months.

Now that you know a little bit more about how bed bugs behave in winter I’ll get to the part where you get to eliminate them from your life.

How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Myself?

Chemical Treatment is the most cost effective and practical way to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are one of the toughest pests to get rid of so I will go into some detail here, but I have a recommended products page on this site that also helps with the process. It will take 3-4 treatments to get rid of bed bugs from your home.

Oh, and here is the free bed bug pretreatment guide I promised.

Free bed bug pretreatment guide

Following this short guide will ensure that you are prepared once you apply the treatment for bed bugs.

Here is What I Do

  1. Follow the pretreatment guide I have given you
  2. Apply pesticide on all mattresses, bed frames, wood furniture, and upholstery.
  3. Continue treatment every 2 weeks and once you don’t see bed bugs apply one last treatment to ensure they are gone for good.

Chemicals To Use

Temprid SC – Temprid is a systemic pesticide that has 2 active ingredients. This is my very favorite pesticide for bed bugs because of the quick knockdown blow it gives to the bed bugs. 

NyGard IGR – Nygard will be used along with the Temprid SC. NyGard is a growth regulator that stops the breeding process of bed bugs. NyGard is very powerful so you will only need a small amount mixed into your spray can for it to do its job.

Click Here to go to my recommended products page and see the ratio of the chemicals and a more in depth tutorial on where to spray and use them.

 You can check the price by clicking the chemicals in there as well. 

When you click to my recommended products page scroll down to the Chemical Mixture section then go to the Chemical Treatment heading and it will finish all the directions you will need to tackle these bed bugs.

Important Information

It is important to note that you are able to treat your own property but you would have to have a license to treat someone else’s. 

Also make sure to read the label of any pesticide you intend on using, there are directions for use and storage that are very important.

Disclaimer: It is unlawful to use a pesticide in any manner that is not congruent with its labeling.

If you get pest control in your eyes flush your eyes for 20 minutes and contact a physician.

If you swallow a pesticide contact your local poison control.


Cold weather will not necessarily kill bed bugs; they would need to be in 0 degree weather for several days in order for them to reach 100% mortality. Bed bugs can survive outside for several days in harsh weather and without a host. Bed bugs don’t go away for the winter, they will stay close to their food source and try to keep warm. Bed bugs can live for a year or several depending on their environment, in warmer climates they are able to live longer usually. You can eliminate bed bugs on your own using the chemical I recommended to you in this article and be assured they are commercial pesticides and they work very well. 

Thanks again for reading and as always:

“Thanks For Buggin’ Out With Me!

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