Are Pill Bugs Bad?

I remember as a kid lifting up rocks and bricks and underneath there they were the great rolly poly. 

So, whether you call it a pill bug, rolly polly, or in the  western United States they call it a potato bug, we are all talking about the same thing. The technical name we use in the pest industry is a pill bug. But don’t confuse them for sow bugs which can be easy to do because of their similar look.

So, are pill bugs bad? Pill bugs are only bad if they are infesting your home usually in a basement or crawlspace. Otherwise, they are just a nuisance bug, they don’t bite, they don’t carry disease, and they eat decaying vegetation that decomposes back into the soil for bacteria and fungi to digest.

It is not for me to say whether they are bad or not because the definition of a pest is a destructive insect, bacteria, or weed that is unwanted. In other words it is up to you and your tolerance of pill bugs.

Are Pill Bugs Bad For Gardens?

Pill Bugs are great for gardens because after they eat decaying matter and process it it does help the soil and garden. In other words it takes harmful bacteria, rotting vegetation and fungi and makes the soil more rich after they have processed it.

The nice thing about pill bugs is they usually won’t eat the good fresh foods in your garden.

Pill bugs are also known to eat their own feces.

If you are seeing damage in your garden and you think it may be pill bugs, that is a very unlikely source, usually that damage is caused by aphids, slugs, snails, japanese beetles or some other mammal.

Another way pill bugs clean the soil is by the consumption of metals like copper, lead,and zinc. 

Pill Bug Facts And How Long DoThey Live?

Pill bugs have a life expectancy of about 2 years give or take. 

They are non-insect arthropods and their technical name is Armadillidium Vulgare (Latreille) They are a crustacean but not your average crustacean since they do not lay their eggs in water.

Pill bugs breathe through a membrane that is located at the rear of the abdomen of their body, this makes it hard to breathe through these gill like membranes which is why they don’t come out much into the sunlight.

 Pill bugs need moisture to survive much like termites. 

Pill bugs will usually make a small burrow under rocks and mulch to sleep during the daytime.

Can Pill Bugs Swim?

Pill bugs do have gill like membranes, however, they can not survive if submerged in water.

Pill bugs and snails are among the very few land crustaceans.

 Pill bugs need moisture to live but not too much. They do run the risk of drying out and dying once they get down almost 30% moisture. 

Do Pill Bugs Have Predators?

Yes they have several predators. Mostly small mammals,birds, arthropods and reptiles will eat pill bugs.

 So just to name a few:

  • Lizards
  • Iguanas
  • Frogs
  • Birds
  • Spiders
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes
  • Some Wasps

Why Are There Pill Bugs In My House?

Pill bugs a lot of times will make their way into crawl spaces, unsealed or unfinished basements and on a slab home they can make their way to the first floor as well. They like areas that have moisture, so when you see them inside it is usually during their breeding season in the spring to early summer. 

Though pill bugs can make their way into your home the visit will be short lived as I mentioned earlier they need constant moisture to survive, and that is why they die in your sliding glass door or along the edge of your wall on the carpet.

What Will Kill Pill Bugs?

Temprid FX is the very best thing to get rid of pill bugs, It is a systemic pesticide with 2 active ingredients the main active is imidacloprid which works well in revitalizing plant life and removing pests. The 2nd chemical is cyfluthrin which gives the pill bugs a knockdown blow. (see the current price for Temprid FX on

In my many years of doing pest control I have used several pesticides but Temprid FX for pill bugs is my personal favorite.

In order to use this chemical you will need a 1 gallon spray can and it is important that you wear gloves when you use a commercial chemical.

If you apply Temprid around the outside of your home and apply a lingering barrier along the foundation and stradling the soil area you will get the desired results when using this chemical.


As I said at the beginning of this article it is for you to decide whether pill bugs are good or bad, they are considered a nuisance pest and if you have issues with large infestations that are disrupting your life I would consider taking action. 

Pill bugs are good for your gardening soil and they eat decaying foliage.

Temprid FX is an awesome chemical and I fully endorse the correct use of it. 

You can check out my article of interest down below.

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