Are Indian Meal Moths Harmful?

I have had many people in the past tell me that they had moths in their home only to find out upon arriving that they had Indian Meal Moths. Indian meal moths are distinct and unique in their look and behaviors.

So without further ado let’s answer your question:

Are Indian meal moths harmful? Indian Meal Moths are not harmful to humans, however, they can spoil your food items if the moths have infested them with their larvae. More on how you can tell if you have them and what to do below.

What Are Indian Meal Moths?

Indian meal moths are a pyraloid moth one of 16,000 species within this superfamily breed. Other common names are weevil moths, pantry moths, flour moths, or grain moths because of where they are found. These particular moths will lay larvae in a grain source so after their eggs hatch they can feed immediately.

Can Indian Meal Moths Make You Sick?

Indian meal moths a.k.a Pantry Moths harbor no diseases, so if you accidentally eat one it is just some good protein. 

People are normally concerned because Indian Meal Moths eat grain, nuts, and pasta, and can be found in your pantry items, alive or dead and you might want to know if you had unintentionally eaten some part of a moth that you’re okay, and you are. 

If you feel like I do though this is unacceptable and disgusting.

Keep reading to see how you may have unintentionally got Indian Meal Moths!

How Did I Get Indian Meal Moths?

You probably got your pantry moths from a food product such as pet food, seeds, pasta, grain, dried fruit, flour, bread, cereal, or sugar brought in from the store.

 They could have just been larvae at the time of purchase and then fed off of your dry goods to become full-grown meal moths that are now infiltrating your home.

Read to the end to see how to get rid of Indian Meal Moths yourself!  

What Do Indian Meal Moths Look Like?

Indian meal moths are an off white on the bottom of their wings and burnt brownish-red on the top of their wings, and their body. Indian Meal Moths have narrow wings, small antennae, and block eyes that slightly bulge out from their head.

Indian Meal Moth larvae look like a piece of cotton with a small piece of dirty rice in the middle of it. The larvae hatch from that and start feeding. The cotton-like material protects the larvae until it hatches. 

Do Indian Meal Moths Eat Clothes?

Indian meal moths will not be found in your clothes, especially if you do not own any leather, wool, or furs, you won’t even find a regular clothing moth, Indian meal moths do not eat clothing or harbor in them either. 

A telltale sign of an Indian Meal Moth will be where you see them such as the kitchen area or garage where you may potentially store pet food. 

What Do Indian Meal Moths Eat?

Like a mealworm, they will be found in dry pantry items and pet foods, Indian meal moths eat grain, bird seeds, and dry goods like oatmeal and dry pasta noodles and even sugar.

How to Remedy This:

Keep in mind if you keep birdseed in your garage to fill your bird feeders you can attract Indian Meal Moths that way, and potentially rodents.

I would personally suggest not buying your bird food in massive quantities only because even if you put them in a sealable plastic container it will still be susceptible to Indian Meal Moth Infestation.  

Pantry rotation if you have rolled oats or cracked wheat and it is a couple of years old, it is time to restock it with new items.

How Can I Tell If I Have Indian Meal Moths?

If you have moths flying around in your kitchen, pantry, or in your garage near dry food goods or pet food and seed. 

You may have an Indian Meal Moth problem and it may have just begun inside of one of those stored items. If you see clusters, webbing (looks like a small piece of cotton), or unusual lumping in your product(s) this may be the larvae of the moths beginning their life cycle.  

How To Get Rid Of Indian Meal Moths?

First things first, you have to stop future larvae from hatching, this means you need to go through your pantry or whatever area they are in and throw away all foods and things that have that cotton looking stuff on it.

If they are on plastic containers or food jars that you don’t want to throw away you will need to wash them thoroughly in hot water with dish soap.

The second thing you will want to do is to purchase these pheromone traps. The pheromone traps I use are called Revenge Pantry Pest Trap (see the current price on I have used several different pheromone traps in the past, but Revenge is definitely my favorite because of the results I have had with it.

 This will attract all the adult moths to the glue board and will let nature take its course.

Pheromone traps will usually take care of the problem within a few weeks.

 Pheromone traps cause mating disruption and will help slow the growth of more Indian Meal Moths. Over time you will be rid of them. 

If you do not wish to wait that long there is an immediate solution to this problem which is also my favorite way.

So don’t put the pheromone traps out just yet for this one. For this solution, you will need to wear a proper mask with vent cartridges. 

The chemical I use for Indian Meal Moths is CB-80. CB-80 is a pyrethrin flushing agent the fills the air with mist. CB-80 is a commercial pesticide that needs to be handled like any other thing that has poison in it.

I use CB-80 for most infestation that I come across it far exceeds any other chemical by far, at least in my opinion. See the current price for CB-80 on

 Here is how you get started. 

Make sure to read the label of the container of any pesticide you are planning to use and adhere to its laws.

Pest Insider and its associate are not responsible for the negligent use or storage of any pesticide.

  1. Turn Off The Heater, A/C unit, Swamp Cooler, and all fans in your home (you don’t want the air pushing around and venting pesticides through it). Make sure to shut all windows.
  2. Put on rubber or nitrile gloves, and your protective mask (not a paper mask).
  3. Remove all Fish or Birds from the area of spray for 24 hrs.
  4. Go to the furthest point upstairs or downstairs and hold the can of CB-80 above your head backing your way out of all the rooms in your home. Make your way out of your home and lock all people out. 
  5. You need to be out of your home for a minimum of 4 hours when performing this treatment.
  6. When you get home you will still smell the pesticide but since it has had a chance to land everywhere you will be okay. 
  7. Open the windows and turn the air back on in your home to air the place out. 

You are done now put the pheromone traps out in the infected areas. It is okay to clean off all countertops and surfaces at this point.

If you missed any larvae it still has the potential to hatch after this treatment and you may have to either repeat the process or wait for the traps to do their job.


Indian Meal Moths are not harmful to humans, they will contaminate your food with their larvae, they will likely be found in your kitchen, pantry, or garage. Indian meal moths are commonly referred to as a pantry moth because of the ‘meal’ they eat grain, and others mentioned above. They look more colorful than a normal moth with their wings having a butterfly esque appearance. They will not be found in a closet, those are different moths that feed on furs, leathers, etc… You could eat one and be fine from any infection or disease they don’t carry anything communicable. 

If you found this article helpful I am truly glad I could help. 

And as always “Thanks For Buggin Out With Me”

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